The head of a wealthy family named KinzÅ Ushiromiya, who lives on and owns Rokkenjima, is near death, and eleven of his family members. Umineko no Naku Koro ni takes place in the year 1986 during the time frame of October 4 and October 5 on a secluded island named Rokkenjima (å…軒島).
The series takes place on the fictional secluded island Rokkenjima in Japan. The Umineko When They Cry visual novel series features an extensive cast of characters created and originally illustrated by 07th Expansion's Ryukishi07. The steam version features renewed character sprites which is swappable from the classic art Kanon (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) - MyAnimeList Is ironic, but kanon was very similar to Rena from Higurashi XD Umineko When They Cry is the 2nd series of Sound Novel released by 07th Expansion. This is Kanon from Umineko no naku Koro Ni and my actually favorite character ^^. He has feelings for Jessica Ushiromiya but is unwilling to act on them due to his position as a servant and his. He is extremely quiet and reserved and strongly feels he is inferior to humans.